mercoledì 11 maggio 2011

The Father of Democratic Color Photography

William Eggleston obviously didn't invent the color process, but he's considered the father of color photography because he gave to color the status of art, even if he not always recognized as an artist.
He started to use color photography i the early 60s, when it was still seen as vulgar, not enough élite being the media used by kodak to spread photography to always more consumers.
Not only Eggleston is a pioneer in this sense, but more because of the subjects of his art. He's innovative and democratic. His point of view is always new, he's not a tripod photographer, you can feel him moving, looking, searching. His home environment become the subject of his art, the beauty of everyday life and simplicity. The feeling of looking at something we always had in front of us and feeling peaceful for the first time.
I feel his work deeply influence from pop art, thinking about the high saturation of his colors and the subjects, but with a more nostalgic eye, more countryside than Warhol's circle, but fresh at the same time.
Also a strong evident influence is Cartier-Bresson's The Decisive Moment, from which he learns how to push the camera from different angles, breaking the rules, kicking it, getting down or laying on his back.
In here his democracy is rooted, where he's stopping by in front of a fast-food restaurant he's stopping by in front of a piece of human history. If art's aim is to transcend human experience to reach a world of pure beauty and peace, Eggleston manifestation of art is pure and strong. Art is hard, specially when you want to transform an everyday object in something ethereal. In this I see how strong is the affinity between Eggleston and Weston, behind their diversity they have a common aim.  Sometimes it's hard to appreciate, sometimes it can be wrong or hard to understand as all the subjective things are, but this is art.


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