mercoledì 18 maggio 2011

The Flat of the Future

This project starts from some considerations about space and human environment. Thinking for example a city big as London and all the immigration it has to face. Everyday hundreds of people move to London hoping to find a place where to live a better life, where to find a better job and realize their dreams.
The same thing happened at the beginning of the XX century in USA. 
Architecture answer to the problem of overpopulation was building to the sky: the skyscrapers. In a society that is always going closer to a nano technology and to optimize the small instead of building up big things, the photographer imagine in a sadly close future an fictitious designer who projects flats of one or two rooms where, for necessity, facilities are in the same place. The images, deeply influenced by the works of Anna Hardy and Thomas Demand, confront the theme of the living space with sarcasm and fiction indeed these places are useless, a living room is no more a living room nor a toilet. Deconstruction becomes destruction and just advertising.
The images for the last exhibition show two different types of flat the imaginary designer planned, where photography is shown as a misleading media that helps to lie to the eye.

The images play with the media, indeed the viewer feels that's something wrong in the photographs but he can't understand it unless he decides to go deeply in the study of the photograph.
If we take for example the image "livingroom-bathroom", at a first glance this photo seems to be just a picture of a common interior but if we focus more we can see how the toilet is placed on the sofa, being useless, and in the shower curtain there is a tv.

So with this project the photographer is not just exploring the theme of the living space and the idea of a futuristic-nihilistic design, but he is also focusing on wider concepts as the truthfulness of the media creating a fake space where to play with the observer.

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